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Upcoming Events

  Fertile Possibilities 2010 Events

Thursday, July 15, 22 & 29—Fertile Energy:  Aligning Your Mind/Body/Spirit:
This 3-part special intensive group coaching series is for those on you on your fertility journey who feel depleted and are running on fumes, physically, emotionally, or spiritually.   You will gain an understanding of the relationship between fertility and energy; identify your own personal "energy leaks" and "energy boosters"; and learn practical ways to optimize your fertile energy.  For reservations, go to www.fertileenergy.eventbrite.com.  Cost:  $59 per person plus reservation fee
Thursday, August 5—Fertile Possibilities on RESOLVE’s TeleSeminar Series:
For information, go to www.fertilepossibilities.com/contact.html and indicate that you would like details for RESOLVE’s TeleSeminar Series.  Complimentary

September thru November—Fertile Possibilities:  Divine Lessons for Your Fertility Journey:
This powerful 3-month journey is for those of you who are at a particular crossroads in your trying-to-conceive life.  Each month, four Divine Lessons will be shared weekly, including practical guidelines on how to incorporate each lesson into your life.  In addition, once-a-month group coaching workshops via conference call will focus on one of that month's lessons with in-depth discussion and coaching.  For reservations, go to http://fertilepossibilitiesjourney.eventbrite.com/.   Monthly cost is $39 per person plus reservation fee

Client Testimonial for Fertile Possibilities Life Coaching



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Page created Dec. 1, 2008
Today is Jul. 27, 2024
Page last updated Nov. 03, 2011